Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Rabbit AND Boole

An image search using the above terms throws up a blast from the past in the form of Johnny Ball. I remember him being on the telly doing what was supposed to be fun children's science programmes back in the 70s and 80s. It was that TV era when making lots of noise, smells and bangs was what was supposed to make science interesting. It didn't interest me (although to be fair, I wasn't a child). The explanations weren't complete though - too much left unexplained. Also very patronising, I thought. If I'm going to be patronised, I'd rather it was Sooty and Sweep doing it. But it is a marker of the time that TV started to turn itself over to dumbing down education and to bigging-up personality-led programmes. Bring back How? is all I can say.

The Johnny Ball Productions website is an examplar of the marketing usefulness of the Net and some of the problems that come with assuming that just cos it's on the 'Net that'll do. This is a forum where Mr Ball can reach millions - but it's a really pants website. Dated font, poor layout, poor quality images. It doesn't look professional atall. Not the kind of impression I'd think Johnny wants to make. Bah humbug!

1 comment:

  1. Hiya Alison,
    Here's a site I came across when -inspired by your mad endeavour- I put bunny AND logic into google -"Fractal Bunny" http://vimeo.com/40 89905

    I don't now what it is, but many people seem to like the juxtaposition of rabbits and digits.
