Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Rabbit AND Boole

An image search using the above terms throws up a blast from the past in the form of Johnny Ball. I remember him being on the telly doing what was supposed to be fun children's science programmes back in the 70s and 80s. It was that TV era when making lots of noise, smells and bangs was what was supposed to make science interesting. It didn't interest me (although to be fair, I wasn't a child). The explanations weren't complete though - too much left unexplained. Also very patronising, I thought. If I'm going to be patronised, I'd rather it was Sooty and Sweep doing it. But it is a marker of the time that TV started to turn itself over to dumbing down education and to bigging-up personality-led programmes. Bring back How? is all I can say.

The Johnny Ball Productions website is an examplar of the marketing usefulness of the Net and some of the problems that come with assuming that just cos it's on the 'Net that'll do. This is a forum where Mr Ball can reach millions - but it's a really pants website. Dated font, poor layout, poor quality images. It doesn't look professional atall. Not the kind of impression I'd think Johnny wants to make. Bah humbug!

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Rabbit AND Logic

Flushed by the success of my last venture (that was a bit of irony) I thought I'd do similar and go for Rabbit AND Logic this time. Following Fibonnaci down the page, my eye rested on this gem on FanFiction.net. It's a fanisode of Deep Space Nine and has most of the elements I like in a story - Sci-Fi, rabbits, fluff and a big dollop of whimsy. In this episode Garak obtains a strange new pet from Earth......

I don't know if it's meant to be funny, but it is, very.

If Boole has done one great thing, it is that his logic led to the widespread development of Fan Fiction. It is wobbly, it's wierd, it's a lot nerdy and it's great fun. It's the best kind of produserism and it exemplifies contemporary life. I guess I've said this before about other sites, but Fan Fiction sort of typifies the 'Net for me - collaborative, ever-adaptive and adapting, creative, inspirational, assymetrical and connective. So there.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Bunny AND Boole

I like this random choosing of my search terms more - but surely, I hear you cry, that isn't the point of this? You are breaking the rules Alison! Well yes, but they are my rules, and (what is more) rules are most useful when used to guide rather than limit. Thus, today I went back to the start and used Bunny (as they are my interst here) AND Boole (as this is all about him - BTW check out BOOLFEST) and found myself going here FUKGAMES.com where there are gazillions of PC games to play. There are 128 games to do with bunnies apparently. In the interests of research I have forced myself to play one or two......

...the first is called BUNNYKILL and I am still waiting for it to load......and waiting......and waiting.....ooookayyy. This "game" seems to involve the 'player' watching a movie of bunny figures fighting each other using various different types of medieval-looking weapons. I don't actually get to do anything. Unless I've missed the point somewhere. I'm beginning to suspect I'm being an advertisers' dupe here. Hang on.....

...the second one loads faster and works but it's terrible. It's like trying to play a very slow, badly designed verion of one of the earliest sega-megadrive games. Pants. What's this site for? I think these sites are bit like blogs. They exist for the people they exist for and are a whole lot of self-indulgence with the hope that others out there will show an interest. Well sometimes they do and sometimes they don't and I guess, that's ok. But all the same you'd have to be really, really bored to willingly seek this out and spend time here. Poor old George would roll in his gravy at the though of his beautiful logic being used in such a piteous way. :)